Liverpool Telescope Weather Archive

Weather archive data for the Liverpool Telescope for 48 hours from 16 Nov 2023 at 02:35:00 GMT
Each point on a graph is the average of 5 minutes

Wind Speed
  Normal: The telescope can operate in this weather.
  Warning: Telescope operations might be restricted.
  Closed: The telescope cannot operate.
  No Data
Key for "Wetness" plot
  Dry: The telescope can operate in this weather.
  Wet: The telescope cannot operate.
  Icy: The telescope cannot operate.
These are only for guidance since there are other conditions (such as thick cloud or technical issues) which might cause the telescope to be closed.
This data is available as a CSV file here
  CSV Files can be imported into many spreadsheet and graph plotting packages.
If you have problems downloading the file, you may be able to use your right mouse button to save the file to your hard disk.
This file will be available for about 10 minutes.