World Around Us

Investigate Day and Night

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On Earth, night follows day and day follows night. But why?

Complete this fun investigation to find out!

What are Constellations?

Constellations shown in the night sky

Keep a Moon Diary

Have you noticed the Moon is brighter some nights than others? And it looks like the Moon changes shape? We call these changes the phases of the Moon.

A calendar for a month that has been partially filled in to show the phase of the Moon on each day.

Why Do Shadows Change Over Time?


Have you noticed that your shadow changes over time? The cartoon on this page shows why shadows change during the day.


Screenshot of the shadows animation.

Seasons - The Sun in the Sky

In the UK, we experience 4 seasons each year. These are spring, summer, autumn, and winter. You may have noticed that the weather changes during each season. But have you noticed any other differences? 

Illustration of a tree in summer

Let's Explore Rockets!

Next time it's dark, why don't you look up!

Even if we can't go into space we can still learn a lot about it from right here on the ground.

A cartoon rocket flying towards the top right of the picture

Maths with the Moon

Short Intro Text: 
The Apollo mission badge. It shows a large capital A between drawings of the Moon and the Earth. The constellation of Orion is in front of the A
The Apollo missions badge

Guess the Constellation

Short Intro Text: 

Have you ever looked at the stars at night and imagined pictures in them? Long, long ago, other people did the same! They named groups of stars after animals and characters from their stories.

Stars and Stories

Have you ever looked at the stars at night and seen pictures in them? The imaginary pictures in the stars are called constellations.

A book floating in space

Moon Jigsaw

Can you complete the 'Moonsaic'?

The top two thirds of the full Moon. Labels show where the 6 Apollo Missions landed. The Picture is divided up into 6 jigsaw pieces.
