Electromagnetic Spectrum


A photo of a bar magnet covered with iron filings showing the magnetic field lines.
Iron filings lining up along the magnetic fields lines
of a bar magnet

Telescopes Quiz

Short Intro Text: 

Telescopes are used to magnify distant objects. They are a vital tool for astronomy. Over the last few hundred years, scientists and engineers have built bigger and better telescopes, revealing the mysteries of the Universe. But how much do you know about telescopes on Earth and beyond?



What is Interferometry?

Interferometry is a technique used by scientists and engineers. Tools called interferometers add together 2 or more waves of light. When they do this, the waves of light interact (or interfere) with each other. This can add the waves together, making them brighter. It can also cancel the waves out. Interference only takes place if the waves come from the same object or have the same frequency. We call these types of wave coherent.
